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Tutoring Session


At Beyond Obstacles, we believe that communication with students, parents and teachers is instrumental in the process.  We will take the time to build rapport and clearly explain the assessment process and outcomes to create a positive experience for all involved. Beyond Obstacles uses the best psychometric tests available and provides parents with a practical report highlighting the way forward using strategies known to help students. It may also be helpful for us to work with your child’s school or other allied health professionals to achieve the best outcome possible for your child. 


This is what you would expect to happen if you decided to have your child assessed by Beyond Obstacles.

Initial conversation

After making contact with Beyond Obstacles, we will send you a parent questionnaire to complete and bring along with you to your initial consultation. With parents’ permission and consent, we also send out a questionnaire to the child’s teacher.  This is useful to gain insight into a student's academic performance, attitude, and behaviour in both the home and the school setting. 

Initial assessment

The purpose of this initial assessment is to meet with the student and their parents to understand the nature of the student’s difficulties and concerns, as well as discuss any other relevant information, including developmental and family history. We will discuss expectations for the assessment and determine appropriate tests to use. The assessment process will further be explained to the family, including the time frame of the tests, report writing and review meeting.


If more than one test is to be used, it will be done on a different day. There are no cancellation fees if your child is unwell, and the testing appointment is cancelled. It is our goal for the results of the assessment to be an accurate indicator of your child’s ability, and if they are unwell, this might not be achieved. 

Review Meeting

This will take place after all tests are scored and a detailed report is completed. During this meeting, the results of the assessment and recommendations will be discussed with the parents and child when appropriate. A school review meeting can also be arranged (with parental consent) in order to discuss the results of the assessment and recommendations with the parents, class teacher and leaning support.


A detailed report will be provided to the family with individualised recommendations for the family and school.


Our fees are lower than the Australian Psychological Society’s National Schedule of Recommended Fees.

Iniial conversation
Initial Assessment
Review Meeting
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